By Noah Rand

Elwood Public Schools has recently had some schedule changes. This year regular school days end at 3:35 instead of at 3:47 like last year. Ryan Jones, Elwood School principal, explained some of these changes. Jones commented that the changes benefit both students and staff.

“I believe the students like the idea of school being dismissed twelve minutes earlier each day,” said Jones. “This also helps our faculty with after school meetings, and with our after school activities and practices as well.” 

Jones explained that schedule changes are made when they are beneficial in some way.

“The schedule is always a work in progress. It could change over the years if we feel it is best for our students and faculty,” he said. 

The schedule changes help our school meet state education requirements, too, which affects school funding.

“We feel like we get adequate educational minutes each class period,” said Jones.

Kilah Oaklund, Elwood School counselor, explained that the schedule changes affect students’ learning experience and the availability of classes.

“By having more core classes in the morning, we maximize students' peak learning times and also lessen the amount of times students miss those classes for school activities which take place primarily in the afternoons,” she explained. 

Overall, the schedule changes seem to be having a positive effect this year .