fccla news

by Kassandra Salisbury

Beth Fisher is Elwood’s Family and Consumer Sciences teacher, as well as the FCCLA Chapter Advisor; this is her third year being the FCCLA advisor. 

There are many skills and activities involved in FCCLA. 

“FCCLA is a career and technology organization that helps students take the skills we learn in the classroom and put them into practice,” explained Fisher. “The goal of the organization is to help students build their skills and empower them to be more prepared as they go into the workforce, having practiced the skills that we've learned. The name FCCLA Family Career and Community Leaders of America in its name shows that our focus is not just in one area but is encompassing. They start within our family then go to our careers and then to our community.” 

At EHS, the FCCLA chapter’s membership is growing! 

“Our chapter has a total of 20 members. We gained 15 members from last year,” said Fisher.

FCCLA members have been working hard to prepare for the District STAR Competition that was in Southern Valley on January 29. Students whose STAR projects qualified for state competition are: Kassandra Salisbury, Kara Brockman, Noelle Rand, and Aubrey Vacura. The state contest will be in Lincoln in April.

The responsibilities of an FCCLA advisor are many, but helping students uncover their interests and achieve goals is key to leading this organization. 

“My main responsibility is in the name itself. My primary role is to inspire students and help them discover something they are interested in, as well as guide them as they work towards their goals,” said Fisher. “I also encourage them to discover career paths that are tied to their interests. My hope as an advisor is to help them gain confidence as they grow and mature as individuals.” 

Students who are members of FCCLA have many opportunities to learn and gain many skills.

“Students gain the opportunity to meet new people, see new opportunities for career paths that they may not have thought about,” commented Fisher. “I’ve seen students discover strengths that they didn’t think they had and interests they didn’t realize. I also think they gain a great network for friendship and open doors for opportunities.” 

Fisher also shared some thoughts on why students should become members of FCCLA

“I think FCCLA is a great place for students to find out more about themselves and discover paths they maybe didn’t realize were out there. I have really been impressed by the impact that FCCLA has had on students beyond the original intent of why they joined. Some come looking for a place to belong and they end up learning how much they can do for others,” said Fisher.