Bertrand 24 Elwood 6 7:29 3rd
Bertrand 16 Elwood 6. Half. Good effort first half vs the Vikings.
Safety for the Vikings. Bertrand 16 Elwood 6 2:01 2nd
Bertrand 14 Elwood 6 :14 1st
Bertrand 8 Elwood 6 8:19 1st
Bertrand 8 Elwood 0 8:31 1st
HS FB Bertrand @ Elwood 3 pm. Come cheer in the Pirates.
Elwood defeats Arapahoe in VB 3-1
Elwood leads 2 sets to 1
Elwood and Arapahoe VB tied 1-1
We're excited to have students back this week!
Here is a helpful document outlining today's training: