Volleyball today at Elba beginning at 3:30. There will be just a varsity match, best 3 of 5 sets. GO BULLS!
over 5 years ago, Hi-Line Sports
Plenty of Hi-Line volleyball on tap for today as the junior high starts their season in Elwood against Bertrand starting with the A game at 3:00. The action stays in Elwood as the JV starts at 5:30 also against Bertrand. JV is best 2 of 3, though we might play 3 regardless, the varsity will be best 3 of 5. Theme for the student section is jersey night. GO BULLS!
over 5 years ago, Hi-Line Sports
JHVB tomorrow (Thursday, 9-12-19) v. Bertrand @ Elwood starting at 3:00 PM. HSVB tomorrow (Thursday, 9-12-19) v. Bertrand @ Elwood. JV at 5:30 PM; Varsity at 6:30 PM. GO BULLS!
over 5 years ago, Kurt Banzhaf
Cross Country TODAY (Tuesday, 9-10-19). Lexington Invitational @ Lakeside CC. 5:15 PM Girls (5k); 5:55 PM Boys (5k); 6:35 PM Middle School Girls (3K); 6:55 PM Middle School Boys (3K). GO BULLS!
over 5 years ago, Kurt Banzhaf
It will be a great day to run and a great day to support the cross country team who runs at Lakeside Country Club this afternoon in the Lex Invite. The girls get things started at 5:15. GO BULLS
over 5 years ago, Hi-Line Sports
There is JV volleyball this afternoon in Curtis. We will play Med Valley at 5:00 and Cambridge at 6:00. Both matches are best 2 of 3 sets. GO BULLS
over 5 years ago, Hi-Line Sports
Hi-Line Volleyball starts at 4:00 this afternoon with the JV playing best two of three followed by the varsity playing best 3 of 5. It's homecoming in Elwood so stick around to watch the Pirates play the Raiders at 7:00. Also the Hi-Line Cross Country team gets their first meet today at Cambridge starting at 10:45 this morning.
over 5 years ago, Hi-Line Sports
Correction SEM wins 2-0
over 5 years ago, Kyle Hemmerling
Game 2: Bulls 18 SEM 25. Tied 1-1
over 5 years ago, Kyle Hemmerling
Hi-Line triangular Hi-Line Vs SEM game 1: Bulls 23 SEM 25
over 5 years ago, Kyle Hemmerling
Game 3: Bulls 25 Falcons 19. BULLS WIN 2-1
over 5 years ago, Kyle Hemmerling
Game 2: Bulls 25 Falcons 8. Tied 1-1
over 5 years ago, Kyle Hemmerling
Correction Falcons 25 Bulls 21
over 5 years ago, Kyle Hemmerling
Hi-Line triangular in Eustis. Bulls vs. wil-Hil game 1 Bulls 25, Falcons 21
over 5 years ago, Kyle Hemmerling
The Hi-Line volleyball triangular starts at 4:00 this afternoon in Eustis with the Bulls taking on Wilcox/Hildreth. Then Wil/Hil will play SEM followed by Hi-Line vs. SEM. All matches are best 2 of 3 sets. Then stick around to watch Knights football take on South Platte at 7:00.
over 5 years ago, Hi-Line Sports
Here is the bracket for the 2019 Loomis Volleyball Tournament to be held on September 14. We will play Franklin at 9:00 in our first game.
over 5 years ago, Hi-Line Sports
2019 Loomis Volleyball Tourney Bracket
Just one more week to get your Bulls gear from the BSN store. Great time to pick up a shirt for now and a sweatshirt or coat for the cold weather games to come. https://www.bsnteamsports.com/shop/bulls19
over 5 years ago, Hi-Line Sports
Varsity VB at SV game 3: Bulls 21 Eagles 25. Eagles win 3-0
over 5 years ago, Kyle Hemmerling
Varsity VB at SV: Bulls 8 Eagles 25. Eagles lead 2-0.
over 5 years ago, Kyle Hemmerling
Varsity VB at SV: Bulls 14 Eagles 25. Eagles lead 1-0.
over 5 years ago, Kyle Hemmerling