Lady Pirates 28 Wilcox-Hildreth 34 end of 3rd.
Elwood 15 Wilcox-Hildreth 28 half
Elwood 12 Wilcox-Hildreth 16 7:00 2nd.
The 8th grade class met with Chief Deputy Ward several times this fall to discuss issues with alcohol, drugs, bullying, and respect. The program does an excellent job raising awareness with these issues, as well as, giving the students an opportunity to ask questions. Thanks Chief Deputy Ward for coming in to talk with students.
Please head on over to the school website or the school Facebook page for the lastest news on the sports coop.
The Elwood v Bertrand high school basketball games in Elwood, will start at 4:30pm on Tuesday, December 4. Four JV girl quarters, followed by girl's varsity, followed by boy's varsity.
The fifth graders rocked their first band performance tonight! Very proud of them!
If you're looking to get into the holiday spirit or would just like to hear some good music, don't miss the K-12 Christmas concert at 7:00 this evening.
Boys: Elwood 48 Hayes Center 47 Final. Hall of Fame Game
Boys: Elwood 35 Hayes Center 31 half. Hall of Fame of Game.
Lady Pirates 39 Maywood/Hayes Center 43 Final. Hall of Fame game.
Lady Pirates 17 Maywood/Hayes Center 23 half. Hall of Fame Game
Proceeds for tonight’s Jamboree game vs MayCenter will go the the Nebraska Hall of Fame. Per NSSA rules NO passes accepted. Adults $5 Students $5.
The Elwood @ Wilcox-Hildreth basketball games will start at 4:30pm on Thursday, November 29 in Wilcox. Three JV girl quarters, followed by girl's varsity, followed by boy's varsity. There will be no JV boy game.
The fifth graders have been growing mold ON PURPOSE! We have been studying the importance of decomposers in the food chain, and we made mold terrariums to observe how certain factors affect mold growth!
The 3rd grade class performed “Squanto’s Squash” for the 4th graders for Thanksgiving today. They did a great job!
Students speak about lessons learned from Sportsmanship Summit
Happy Thanksgiving from the Pre-K Turkeys!!!
The Elwood Pre-K celebrated Thanksgiving by enjoying a traditional Thanksgiving feast in their room. Thank you cooks, for the wonderful meal!
4th Grade students are all very Thankful Turkeys! 🦃