Reminder: Dance Camp forms are due tomorrow, December 15th, for those that wish to participate!
about 1 year ago, Shelby Borden
HS BWR: Hi-Line @ Southern Valley Duals: Friday, December 15, 2023 starting at 1:00 PM. Admission: $6.00 Adults and $5.00 Students. Online: or on the Hudl Fan app by searching for Southern Valley High School. #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
HS BWR: Hi-Line @ Anselmo-Merna (@ Merna) Tri: Thurs., Dec. 14, 2023. 6PM: A-M vs. Maxwell; 7PM: Maxwell vs. Hi-Line; 8PM: A-M vs. Hi-Line. Adm: $5 Adults and $4 Students. Online: #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
HSBB: Hi-Line @ Franklin; Thursday, December 14, 2023. 4:00 PM: Girls JV (4 quarters) followed by Boys JV (2 quarters); 6:00 PM: Girls varsity; 7:30 PM: Boys varsity. Admission: $6.00. Online: Streamed for $8.00: #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
Give a meaningful gift this month that you don’t need to wrap. Give the gift of life – donate blood with the Red Cross and Elwood High School on Dec. 18. Your donation can bring hope & help someone through some of life's toughest moments. Schedule now at
about 1 year ago, Kilah Oaklund
Blood drive
Blood drive
Congratulations to the following Elwood HS students for being recognized for the 2023 Fall NCPA Academic All-State Awards (NSAA): Boys CC: Connor Edwards and Aidan Shutts; Girls CC: Kara Brockman; Football: Wryston Brell; Play Production: Delaney Collins and Julian Seberger.
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
Pirates Providing Hope is excited to begin Pennies for a Purpose to help support families who are dealing with rare diseases. Beginning January 16, 2024, students are encouraged to save pennies and coins and bring them to school. Additional fundraising opportunities will be announced throughout the months of January and February. Stay tuned, and we'll keep you informed about upcoming events and ways to participate. Together we can make a positive impact and provide hope.
about 1 year ago, Jami Garey
HSBB: Hi-Line @ Bertrand; Tuesday, December 12, 2023. Start time moved to 5:00 PM. **NO JV GIRLS**; 5:00 PM: Boys JV (2 quarters); 6:00 PM: Girls varsity followed by Boys varsity. #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
HSBB: Hi-Line @ Bertrand; Tuesday, December 12, 2023. **NO JV GIRLS**; 4:30 PM: Boys JV (4 quarters); 6:00 PM: Girls varsity followed by Boys varsity. Admission: Adults: $5.00; K-12: $4.00. 65 & Older: $2.00. Online: BHS - Video ( Radio: 880 KRVN, 98.5 FM. #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
JH GBB: Hi-Line JH GBB @ Cambridge, Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 2:00 PM. Admission: $2.00 (Adults and PreK-12 Students) Online: #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
The Intro to FCS class created their own room designs after learning the elements of design basics. Each student then went on an Open House Tour and looked at the various elements used in each room design. These can be viewed on display by the PreK room!
about 1 year ago, Beth Fisher
A nursery and Living Room
A bedroom and Kitchen
A ceiling view of a bedroom
A nursery and Living Room
More rooms from Intro to FCS
Some more bedrooms
The 5/6 grade youth basketball girls and boys will have skills practice from 6:30-7:30 tonight in Eustis. The 5/6 boys will have a half hour practice after skills but the girls are done at 7:30 pm tonight. Both 5/6 grade groups practice as scheduled Thursday in Elwood from 5:30-6:30 pm. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Rhonda Schutz
JV GBB: Hi-Line @ Arapahoe Invite Mon., Dec. 11, 2023. 5 PM: Hi-Line v Alma (North Gym). 6 PM: Championship and 3rd place games. Admission: $5.00 Adults and $4.00 Students. **NO PASSES ACCEPTED**. Online: #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
Our amazing Elwood Booster Club has so generously offered to cover the costs for all students who wish to participate in this year’s Dance Camp! Therefore, there will be new flyers sent home with all ELWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL Pre-K through 6th grade girls on Monday, December 11th. Please sign & fill out the bottom of the form at your earliest convenience and have them turned in to Miss Borden by Friday, December 15th to make sure your child gets a t-shirt for the camp! Thank you SO much to the Elwood Booster Club for their generous donation!! Also, thank you to Smack N’ Smooch for making the t-shirts for our dance camp!
about 1 year ago, Shelby Borden
BBB: Hi-Line 54 Pleasanton 48. Final. #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
GBB: Pleasanton 67 Hi-Line 20. Final. #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
WR: Hi-Line finishes 2nd place at the North Platte St.Pat's Invite! Medalists: Aidan Shutts: 1st (138): Grady Schutz: 1st (157); Parker Schutz: 1st (132); Chase Beitler: 2nd (120); Connor Edwards: 2nd (106); Collin Shutts: 2nd (126). #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
HS GWR: Hi-Line @ Sandhills Valley Invite (@ Stapleton) Saturday, December 9, 2023. 10:00AM start time. Admission: $5.00 Adults/ $3.00 Students. Online: #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
HSBB: Hi-Line @ Pleasanton; Friday, Dec. 8, 2023. 4:30 PM: Girls JV (4 quarters) and Boys JV (4 quarters)(Two gyms); 6:00 PM: Girls varsity; 7:30 PM: Boys varsity. Admission: $6.00. Online: #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf
JHWR: Hi-Line boys finish 5th place at the Fort Kearny Conference Meet. Medalists: Gage Rupp: 1st (150); Kamryn Carroll 1st (170); Will Oaklund 2nd (100); Cole Dean 2nd (120); Elijah Schimmels 2nd (140); Traevyn Koch 2nd (160); Jaiden Udstrand 2nd (170) #gobulls
about 1 year ago, Kurt Banzhaf